Daily workout ideas – from your living room

January 09, 2021

Daily workout ideas – from your living room

We all are so much busy in our daily life that we cannot go to the gym daily. We paid costly gym membership and think to stay fit. But we end up with arguments that we do not have time to go there. So, workout from the living room is much more preferable and affordable option, especially during covid-19. Luckily, there are a bunch of a great workout to do at home, and we have got a few effective, simple exercises to do at home on this list. So let's checkout daily workout ideas from your living room.

1.HIIT workout

- cardio and core exercise

 Sit-ups. It is basic but effective. If you are beginner start to 20 counts with 2 sets. Gradually you can increase sets. Do not tuck your feet under a chair or table for assistance, to get the maximum effect.

Bicycle. Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Lift your head and place your hands behind the neck. Pump your legs in a cycling motion. This exercise will make strong your core muscles. Do not stop if you feel pain in your stomach. It is really good exercise to flatten your stomach.

Jumping jacks. It is a great exercise for getting your heart rate up and easy for fat burning exercise. Do 100 jumping jacks with 2 sets. Start standing up with your legs together, a slight bend knees, and hands resting on thighs. Keeping the knees bent, open the arms and legs out to the sides. Arms come above the head and legs wider than shoulders.

Planks. The plank has many benefits. It increases your strength, impact on core muscles. This is the only exercise with whom you can burn fat from the whole body. Rest on your elbows and toes, keeping your back and legs straight. Hold for one minute.

Burpees. Rest your hand on the floor and come in a plank position, then jump with raising your hands and come in plank position again. You can start with 10 counts with 2 sets.

Wall standing. It is a super easy exercise and more effective. It engaged your stomach, core muscles and back. Just sit down as if you sit on a chair, but your back should be touching your wall. Stay for 1 minute.

- Upper body workout

Push-ups. Begin with your chest and stomach flat on the floor. Your legs should be straight out behind you and your palms should be at chest level. Exhale as you push from your hands and heels, bringing your torso, chest, and thighs off the ground. Hold for a moment and get in beginning position with inhale.

Crunches. Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Lift your head and place your hands behind the neck. Hold for a moment and then come in beginning position.

Bridge. Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Put your arms rest by your side. Activate your glutes and raise your pelvis off the floor until your body forms one straight line from chin to knee, resting on your shoulders. Then lower your pelvis to return to the starting position.

Russian Twists. Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Twist to your right side, bringing your hands down toward your right hip. Then, reverse the moves and twist to your left side. For more effectiveness, increase your speed. Do 20 counts on each side with 2 sets.

- Lower body workout

Squats. Bend your knees as if you are going into the squat position, tucking your arms like a downhill skier. Spring off the floor and straighten your legs in the air, before landing in a squat once again. Do 2 sets of 10 in the beginning.

Lunges. Start standing with your feet parallel. Take a big step forward with your right leg, landing with your knee bent and over your toes. Allow your back knee to drop down toward the floor while swinging your left arm forward for balance. Push off your right front foot to return to standing. Do 2 sets of 10 on each side.

Leg Raise. Lie on a floor and put your hands by your side. Slowly raise your legs. Do not bend your knees. For more effectiveness, do slowly so that your core muscle engaged. Do 2 sets of 20 counts.

Mountain Climbing. Start with your plank position. Engage your core to pull your right knee in toward your chest so your foot hovers above the ground, and then step back into the plank. Repeat on the other side with your left leg. Do 2 sets of 20 counts for each leg.

2.Face and neck exercise

Rotate your face and neck. Rotate your face close-wise 10 times and then do anti-clockwise. Please don’t jerk your neck while doing it. Do slowly.

Up and down. Look up and down 10 times. Do slowly. Try to look as up as you can and same with down.

O and E pronounce. Look straight and say ‘O’ hold this position for a few seconds, then say ‘E’ withholding for a few seconds. This is a great exercise for your chin and chicks. It will help you to make your jaw line sharp.

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